Self-Inflicted Traumatic Brain Injury: Therapies To Help Your Loved One Recover

According to the Centers for Disease Control, traumatic brain injuries account for 30% of injury-related deaths. Those who do not succumb to their traumatic brain injury often find themselves suffering consequences of the injuries for the rest of their life. Falls, being struck by objects, and vehicle accidents are the three leading causes of traumatic brain injuries. However, intentional self-harm was the second leading cause of traumatic brain injury deaths in 2013. Read More 

Are Hearing Aids Right For Mild Hearing Loss?

Mild hearing loss can be a source of great frustration for the one who suffers from the issue and also for those around them. There is a tendency for people to overlook this form of hearing loss because it's not taken as seriously as a severe hearing loss. However, doing this can be quite problematic. The sufferer will likely have difficulty understanding what others are saying, especially if more than one person is speaking or if they're in an environment with competing sound signals. Read More 

Preparing Your School-Aged Child For Vaccinations

When it's time for your child to get a physical with your family practice or pediatrician, it may also be time for immunizations. Following the immunization schedule your doctor creates for your child can help prevent some serious childhood illnesses, but the thought of getting shots can frighten young children. Here are a few steps you can take to prepare your child for the visit. Explain What Immunizations Do Explaining the purpose of immunizations can go a long way toward helping your child prepare for the appointment. Read More 

Want To Be Healthier? Benefits Of Swapping Your Regular Tea With Matcha Green Tea

If you want to be a healthier person starting with making changes to what you eat and drink, as well as adding exercise to your routine, is the best place to get started. One thing you can change is if you drink regular tea you should consider changing it to matcha green tea instead. Below is information about what matcha green tea is, and two benefits of drinking this type of green tea. Read More 

FAQ About Epilepsy

Are you worried about your partner going into episodes of staring in the same direction for long periods of time? The problem that your partner has might be a lot more serious than you think. It is possible that the staring is the result of him or her suffering from seizure complications, which can be related to a condition known as epilepsy. It is necessary for your partner to consult with a neurological services and treatment specialist as soon as possible to find out if he or she has epilepsy. Read More