Tips To Help You Successfully Recover From Bunion Surgery

According to WebMD, approximately 23 percent of 18 to 65 year old Americans suffer from the pain associated with bunions. If you have these bony protrusions and are sick and tired of the pain, you might be considering surgery. Your bunion surgery will be far more successful if you care for your feet correctly after the procedure is over. Here are a few tips to help you through the bunion post-surgical process: Read More 

Managing Your Allergies With Oral Medication, Inhalers, And Nasal Spray

When allergy season hits, you may be overwhelmed with symptoms. Itchy, watery eyes and a stuffed up nose are common for people who suffer from allergies. Whether your allergies have been identified as indoor or outdoor allergies, getting your symptoms under control is important. While some people don't find symptoms worth medicating, others find that allergies make a significant impact in their daily lives. If you are struggling with your allergies and your asthma is getting worse, it's time to meet with your doctor to discuss your options. Read More 

Freaking Out From A Bulge Or A Lump? 3 Non-Cancerous Causes To Explore

Cancer has taken numerous American lives already and is expected to take another 595,690 lives in 2016. Cancerous cells grow rather silently, and, as a result, they often go unnoticed until it's too late. Because of this, most primary-care physicians place a lot of stress on the importance of getting regular physical checkups. It's important to feel for lumps or bulges that might potentially become a problem. Still, not all bulges and lumps are necessarily cancerous. Read More 

The Ins And Outs Of Spinal Decompression As An Alternative To Surgery

Throughout the United States, an estimated 31 million people suffer from lower back pain at any given moment. Many of these people may even undergo invasive surgery procedures in order to relieve this pain. Spinal decompression therapy offers an alternative approach that avoids invasive and potentially extensive surgery treatments, especially for those seeking short recovery times. The following explains the potential benefits and pitfalls of this treatment. How It Works Read More 

Need Respiratory Home Care? Learn What Factors To Consider When Selecting A Therapist

There are many reasons you or a loved one may need at-home care from a respiratory therapist. You may have brought home a baby born prematurely who still needs their oxygen levels monitored. You or a loved one may have emphysema, chronic bronchitis or pneumonia and need the lungs and oxygen levels monitored, or need breathing treatments. Or you may have sleep apnea and need your airway and CPAP machines monitored. Read More