Managing Your Allergies With Oral Medication, Inhalers, And Nasal Spray

When allergy season hits, you may be overwhelmed with symptoms. Itchy, watery eyes and a stuffed up nose are common for people who suffer from allergies. Whether your allergies have been identified as indoor or outdoor allergies, getting your symptoms under control is important. While some people don't find symptoms worth medicating, others find that allergies make a significant impact in their daily lives. If you are struggling with your allergies and your asthma is getting worse, it's time to meet with your doctor to discuss your options. While you can try over-the-counter treatments on your own, it is best if you talk with a doctor to determine the best course of treatment.

Nasal Spray to Get Rid of Nasal Symptoms

An itchy, watery, runny nose can be a nuisance. When you can't seem to get rid of your nasal symptoms, it's probably time to try a nasal spray of some type. A common spray prescribed by doctors is fluticasone nasal spray, which is a corticosteroid that helps prevent allergic reactions from occurring. While the symptoms may get under control with the fluticasone nasal spray, it's important to understand that it isn't a cure. Once symptoms improve, you can cut back on the spray until you don't need it any longer. Check out a company like Dymista for more information on fluticasone nasal spray.

Inhalers When Asthma Gets Triggered

While allergies aren't responsible for causing asthma, they can make asthma worse for those that suffer from it. Your doctor can prescribe a flovent inhaler, which is similar to the fluticasone but inhaled into your lungs. It's a similar medication meant to reduce inflammation in your lungs and reduce your reaction to the allergens in the air. You may also begin using a rescue inhaler such as albuterol, which helps reduce wheezing in people who are having problems with their breathing.

Oral Medications for Allergies

Oral medications for allergies need to be taken every day in order to really work properly. Medications such as Zyrtec and Claritin are medications taken once a day that help alleviate allergy symptoms. You aren't going to feel better a few hours after your first dose of Zyrtec or Claritin, as these medications take a few days to build up to adequate levels in your system. Benadryl is an allergy medication used to treat symptoms immediately, and it should be considered when your symptoms are feeling out of control.

Your allergies can be managed, but they may require a variety of medications to get under control.
