Colonoscopy Myths And Misconceptions Debunked

Whether you're a man or a woman, your doctor may tell you at some point that it's time for a colonoscopy. Colonoscopy procedures are important for detecting colon cancer, as well as identifying other issues in the large intestine. Still, many people tend to put off getting a colonoscopy due to misconceptions about the procedure. To help set the record straight, here are some of the most common myths and misconceptions about colonoscopies debunked. Read More 

Are You A Smoker And Getting Smoker’s Lines? 2 Ways To Treat Them

If you are a smoker, it is common to get smoker's lines, also referred to as lip lines or lipstick lines. Over time, these lines can become deep and turn into wrinkles. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to treat these lines. Keep reading for two treatments you can choose.  Botox Injections One common treatment for smoker's lines is getting Botox injections. You should see a dermatologist to have this done, or you will find that some spas will also do these injections. Read More 

2 Reasons Why You Should Take Dietary Supplement Capsules

Dietary supplements can be a great way to ensure you're getting the proper nutrition and health benefits your body needs. And while there are many different forms of dietary supplements available, capsules can be particularly beneficial for various reasons. Here are some of the key benefits you'll want to consider when deciding if capsules are the right choice for you. Easy to Swallow Capsules provide an effortless way to take your supplement. Read More 

You May Have Lymphoma As A Downwinder

Your lymphatic system is responsible for protecting your body against infectious diseases and microorganisms. However, if you are suffering from lymphoma, a condition that often results from exposure to radiation, you will need to seek medical care as quickly as possible. Government Nuclear Tests and the Risk of Cancer In the 1950s and 1960s, the United States government conducted a series of experiments intended to test nuclear devices. These experiments had the consequence of exposing nearby residents to radiation. Read More