Taking Care Of Your Baby’s Belly Button: What You Should Know

When you bring your baby home from the hospital, it will have a portion of the umbilical cord still attached to its belly button. This is something that will fall off in the days following your baby's arrival, but this part of your baby needs some care in order to prevent injury or infection. Keeping your baby clean is very important, and their belly is important as well, as you want to be sure the area heals properly. Read on for tips to take care of your baby's belly button and umbilical cord.

Keep It Dry

Keeping your baby dry is very important, as your baby's skin is very delicate. Your baby needs to stay dry to prevent a skin rash or infection. This is something that will be trying, especially since your baby will be wetting a lot of diapers, and it can get wet all the way up your baby's back and up over the belly button as well. Keep your baby dry by changing your baby often and allowing the belly button to dry thoroughly. If the belly button is allowed to get too wet, it's going to lead to an infection in the belly button.

Watch For Changes

Keep an eye on your baby's belly button for redness or irritation. If you see any changes such as these, you need to report them to the pediatrician immediately. If your baby has redness or irritation, or any inflammation in this area, it may be an infection and it needs to be treated right away. Other changes, such as the leftover portion of the umbilical cord turning black are completely normal. Your baby's umbilical portion will eventually fall off.

Don't Pull Off The Umbilical Cord

The leftover umbilical cord is going to fall off on its own, so don't pull it off as you could injure your baby. It looks odd and may get in the way, but it needs to fall off on its own. Allow nature to take its course and fall off. Once it falls off, it means the belly button itself is completely healed as well.

Your baby is going to have a leftover piece of umbilical cord and the belly button needs time to heal. You need to take good care of your baby's belly button so it heals properly. Talk to your pediatrician about other things you can do to take care of your infant. A pediatrician can provide more information. 
