Commonly Asked Questions About Coolsculpting And The Answers

If you've been hearing about CoolSculpting then you more than likely have some questions about this program that can help you to get your body looking more the way you want it without the need to have invasive procedures done. The information you'll read here will include both questions and answers that a lot of people tend to have about CoolScuplting, so you can decide if it is something that you may be interested in considering for yourself.

Are you a good candidate for CoolSculpting?

If you have unwanted fat in specific areas on your body then you may be a great candidate. For example, if you have out of control love handles, a belly bulge or bumpy thighs, then Cool Sculpting may be the answer you have been waiting for. However, if you are an obese person who struggles with weight allover, then this procedure will not be a good fit for your needs.

How many treatments are usually necessary?

When it comes to figuring out how many treatments you will need, this will require a consultation since each person is different with regards to their body shape, their conditioning and their sculpting needs in general. The more target areas, the more treatments in general. However, keep in mind that you may be able to have more than one treatment done at the same appointment. After your consultation, you will know what you are looking at as far as how many you will need to get your desired results.

Are there any side-effects you should know about?

There are some side-effects that you want to be prepared for so you aren't surprised. However, most people don't consider them to be too bad and find the end result to be well-worth it. Some of these can include the feeling of mild pinching, pulling, stinging, extreme coldness, aching and even cramping at the target area being worked on. Once you numb up you will notice these things will go away. After your treatment session, you can have redness, bruising, swelling, tenderness, aching and itching at the target area. You should expect these to go away on their own in anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. You can help by using ice packs for swelling and taking over the counter anti-inflammatories or pain reducers.

Will you notice results right after the treatment?

No, you shouldn't notice the results right away. For one thing, you will have some swelling in the target areas. However, as the weeks pass you should start to see changes take effect and you will notice the bulk of the affect at around the two-month mark. Keep in mind, you will continue to see positive changes for as many as six months after you have completed your sessions! Contact a clinic, like Countryside Dermatology & Laser Center, to get started.
