7 Ways To Prevent Migraines

Migraines, whether they happen once a week or every day, can keep you from doing normal tasks, such as washing the dishes or doing the laundry. The pain can get so bad at times that you do not even want to get out of bed. Although headache medication is good at temporarily relieving these migraines, it is not a good idea to use it too often. Here are seven effective ways to prevent migraines: Read More 

How Family Practices Help You Cope With Chronic Illness

Whether you are a child, adolescent, or adult, a family care physician can be a great tool to help you cope with chronic illness. While specialists may be needed to help with your specific condition, it's also important that you visit with your family doctor about it. You'll quickly notice the benefits of a family care physician as part of your treatment plan. 1. Family Care Physicians Know Your Health History Read More 

5 Ways Deep Tissue Massage Can Help With Weight Reduction After Pregnancy

If you are about to give birth or have recently given birth, you may be thinking about how to get your body back to its pre-pregnancy size and shape. Many women are disappointed if they do not immediately drop the weight they gained throughout pregnancy. While it will take time for your body to adjust to not being pregnant, there are several things you can do to start feeling like your old self again. Read More 

Loose And Dry Facial Skin In Your Late 40S? Try These Dermatological Tips For Men

If you're in your late 40s, male and have loose, dry facial skin over your chin, forehead and cheeks, take action now to prevent problems in your 50s. As you get older, your skin loses some of its elasticity and firmness. However, if you use the right skin care routine and ingredients to cleanse and moisturize your face, you can reduce the effects of aging. Here are two dermatological tips you can use in the every day or several times a week to increase the moisture, elasticity and firmness in your loose facial skin. Read More 

What Every Diabetic Should Know About Foot Care & Partial Foot Amputation

If you've recently been diagnosed with diabetes, there's no doubt you're feeling overwhelmed with all kinds of information about how diabetes affects your overall health, in addition to possibly having to make huge lifestyle changes. One of the ways diabetes affects your health is that it could cause nerve damage and blood circulation problems in your feet, which could lead to wounds and ulcers. Often, diabetic wounds aren't able to heal properly, which could lead to the need for partial foot amputation. Read More